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Gam(e)(a)ble Facts & Figures 

More than 80% of the youth that we surveyed for Gam(e)(a)ble play digital games. They do so to entertain themselves, but also to relieve stress and to increase their competences. 

Among these players, ca. 75% already encountered gambling-like elements in games. Free lootboxes and prize wheels seem to be the most common. 

We summarized the key findings from our longitudinal research on gaming and gambling in youth in a handy Fact & Figures sheet (in Dutch), which is available here.

research on gaming and gambling in youth: reports (dutch)

One of the main tasks of Gam(e)(a)ble is to research the exposure of youth to gambling-like elements in digital games. This research led to the publication of four reports: 

Mapping and analysis of the current regulatory framework on advertising for gambling(-like) elements in video games

Research previously conducted within the Gam(e)(a)ble project already indicated that Flemish minors (aged 11-18) often encounter gambling advertising
Increased exposure to gambling ads, loot box openings, or gambling videos is associated with a more favourable attitude, higher intentions to engage in gambling, and increased participation in monetary gambling activities among teenagers.
Gambling can lead to people
experiencing negative financial and social consequences, hence, advertising for such services raises moral concerns.

This report provides an overview of the regulatory landscape pertaining to commercial communications for gambling(-like) elements within video games
The list of the instruments discussed paints a picture of the
relevant rules and the fact that they are dispersed in several regulatory instruments (both binding and non-binding) and on several levels (international, EU, national, sub-national).

This report (in English) is accessible here

cover of the report on regulatory framework on advertising for gambling(-like) elements in video games

Short report longitudinal Study 

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Between November 2021 and February 2022, Gam(e)(a)ble ran the first wave of a survey among Flemish teenagers. Approximately 2300 adolescents participated and answered a questionnaire focusing on digital gaming and gambling. Additionally, around 700 of these adolescents' parents were surveyed about their own and their children's digital gaming and gambling behavior.


Based on the results of this first wave, our researchers set up a short report that is meant in the first place for participating schools, but can also inform and help all teenagers, parents, and professionals interested in digital gaming and gambling.


This report (in Dutch) is accessible here

Report on the regulatory framework on gambling(-like) elements in video games

Mapping and analyzing the current regulatory framework on gambling(-like) elements in digital games is a high-priority task for legal research within Gam(e)(a)ble. Indeed, developments within the video gaming industry have caused the lines between video gaming and gambling to become increasingly blurred. Aside from the regulatory framework related to gambling or video gaming, a variety of rules exists across different legal domains and different sectors which can be applied to this issue. To guide rule understanding and application, our researchers have published a report, which provides a structured overview of the relevant provisions against the background of the existing children’s rights framework found at the international and European level.


This report (in English) is accessible here

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Illustrations by Gudrun Makelberge

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