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Gam(e)(a)ble at DiGRA ‘22


Eva Grosemans Between July 7 and 11, the Digital Games Research Association conference (aka DiGRA) took place. Though first planned to take place in Mexico, the conference was relocated to the historical city of Krakow in Poland. At DiGRA, a myriad of digital gaming related presentations were held around a central theme of “Bringing Worlds Together”. Two Mintlab colleagues took part in the conference: Maarten Denoo and Eva Grosemans, both part of the Gameable project team.

Maarten opened the third conference day with his presentation on the Digital Game Analysis Protocol (DiGAP), which he co-authored along with digital gaming scholars Rowan Daneels and Alexander Vandewalle (University of Antwerp, Ghent University), as well as his Gameable colleagues Bruno Dupont and Steven Malliet. On top of that, he took part in a workshop on gameplay design patterns. 

Eva presenting our terminology mapping paper
Terminology mapping presentation

On Sunday, Eva presented her work on a terminology mapping amongst digital gaming scholars, mapping the terms used to describe gambling-like elements within video games. This work-in-progress is a collaboration between different Gameable researchers: Bruno Dupont (Mintlab), Eva, Maarten, Nadia Feci (CiTiP KU Leuven), Pieterjan Declerck (Law and Technology UGent), Lowie Bradt (Developmental Psychology Research Group UGent), Martijn Van Heel (former Gameable member), Bieke Zaman (Mintlab) and Rozane De Cock (IMS KU Leuven). Afterwards, Maarten and Eva were invited to take part in a panel on loot boxes discussing the current state of research and possible future research paths.

Panel discussion at DiGRA '22
Panel discussion at DiGRA '22

Next to Maarten and Eva, three other young digital gaming scholars took part in the panel: Leon Y. Xiao from ITU Copenhagen, who recently visited Mintlab himself, Elena Petrovskaya from the University of York, and Nick Ballou from the Queen Mary University of London. 

In conclusion, Maarten and Eva enjoyed their first in-person conference and their time in Krakow. Next to the interesting presentations and workshops, they had some time to meet other digital gaming scholars, whilst enjoying a variety of social activities and the beautiful city of Krakow.

Gameable and colleagues at DiGRA '22
From left to right: Alexander Vandewalle, Maarten Denoo, Eva Grosemans, Leon Xiao, Nick Ballou

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